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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

紺碧の海はかつてないほど揺れていた。ユニオンが鉄血に奇襲攻撃を仕掛けたのだ。これが2つの強力な勢力の最初の直接対決である。鉄血を迅速かつ確実に打ち負かすため、ユニオンは切り札であるエンタープライズを送り込んだ。大戦の最中、彼女はできるだけ早く敵艦隊を突破し、戦艦ビスマルクを撃沈する使命を帯びていた。しかし、恐るべき重巡洋艦プリンツ・オイゲンはエンタープライズを阻止する任務を負っていた...。 [DLsite.com]
Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match! By Kineluchs

Price:1,320 JPY (As of 2025/02/16)

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※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.

Circle Name:Kineluchs  Works
Release date:Jan/15/2024 0
Product format:Manga 
File format:JPEG / PDF file 
Supported languages:Japanese / English 
Genre:Wrestler / Fighter / Sailor-style Uniform / Military / Fighting / Martial Arts / Cat Fight / War / Battlefield / Sexual Bondage / Tease 
File size: 279.75MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)

合計: 34ページ

作者: Kore-13K



This book contains full color Manga pages.
Total: 34 pages

Artist: Kore-13K

Two versions included:
Japanese language
English language

The deep blue sea was shaken like never before. The Eagle Union launched a surprise attack on the Iron Blood fleet. It is the first direct confrontation between these two powerful fleets. In order to defeat Iron Blood fast and hard, the Eagle Union has sent their trump card, the Enterprise. She has the mission to break through the enemy fleet as quickly as possible during the great battle and sink the lead ship Bismarck. But the feared heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen has the task to stop Enterprise...

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Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


Azur Ring - Iron Blood Match!


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