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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

異世界で初めてプロレスのイベントが開催される。その事実を教えてくれたのは冒険者のカズマだった。騎士、魔術師、盗賊、大神官......これまで誰もがプロレスのリングで競い合ったことはない。 参加者全員が何カ月もかけてプロレスの技術を鍛え上げ、ついにその時が来た! 待ちに待ったこのイベントの決勝戦は、恐るべき大魔法使いと役立たずの女神との究極の対決となった。勝者としてリングに輝くはどっちだ? [DLsite.com]
Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling By Kineluchs

Price:990 JPY (As of 2025/01/16)

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※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.

Circle Name:Kineluchs  Works
Release date:Sep/28/2024 0
Product format:CG + Illustrations 
File format:JPEG / PDF file 
Supported languages:Japanese / English 
Genre:Petite / Magician / Witch / Wrestler / Fighter / Comedy / Fighting / Martial Arts / Fantasy / Cat Fight / Tiny Breasts 
File size: 233.28MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)


作者:異澤 (メイン), はなぶさ, Kore-13K



This book contains full color illustrations.
Total: 32 pages

Artists: Izawa (Main), Hanabusa, Kore-13K

Two versions included:
Japanese language
English language

In a different world, a pro wrestling event is held for the first time. This new knowledge was delivered by the adventurer Kazuma. Never before have knights, magicians, thieves and arch priests competed against each other in a wrestling ring.
After months of training for all participants in wrestling techniques, the time has finally come!
The final match in this long-awaited event is the ultimate showdown between a feared arch wizard and a useless goddess. Who will leave the ring as the winner?

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Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


Kono Subarashii Isekai Wrestling


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