2019/11/15 JST
[RE267064] The Tentacle Tree
18+250 paces laneAnimationApplicationDigital NovelDLsiteEXEInc. AnimeInc. MusicInc. VoiceJapaneseMusicR18VoiceX-rated
Coercion/Compulsion Collar/Chain/Restraints Interspecies Sex Ordered / Compelled Pregnancy/Impregnation Restraint Tentacle Update Information
2019/11/13 JST
[RE268158] Slave Fighter Sara
18+AnimationApplicationDLsiteEXEInc. AnimeInc. MusicInc. VoiceJapaneseMusicR18Role-playingRPGStudioSVoiceX-rated
Agony Collar/Chain/Restraints Dirty Talk Discipline Ryona/Brutal Servant Sexual Training Successive Orgasms Torture Update Information Upgrade Information Violation
2019/11/08 JST
[RE264753] Tricked and Fem-Corrupted by an Otoko-no-Ko
18+DLsiteJapaneseR18VoiceVoice / ASMRWAVX-ratedYutori X
Coercion/Compulsion Collar/Chain/Restraints Cross-dressing as a Woman Drugs Gay Male Homosexuality Ordered / Compelled Otoko no ko Reverse R Reverse Rape Shota Update Information
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