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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

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The aimless journey of Fumika, a girl who claims to be a heroine. [DLsite.com]
FUMIKA FANTASY By One person on-line

Price:2,970 JPY (As of 2025/03/22)

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Circle Name:One person on-line  Works
Last Modified:Upgrade Information /  
Age Ratings:X-rated 
Work Format:RPG 
File Format:EXE 
Option:Inc. Music / Trial 
Genre:Woman's Viewpoint / Cross-section View / Anime / Loli / Interspecies Sex / Tiny Breasts 
File Size:1.98GB 

Summary [By dlsite.com)

Aimless Adventure Fantasy RPG

Fumika crossed the ocean to move to a greater land,
became a heroine to save people, and began her journey...

Interested in H things.
A girl with pony tails who is dere-dere and a little too lewd.

Event CG - 178
General use CG - 35
4700+ total including pose art and more

* This game is created with RPG TKool MV

Q&A for this works.

  • Where can I find Wan house and how to get there?

    by TheLonely €2020-02-22 6:18 AM

    • Hi TheLonely

      My memory is uncertain because it was long ago.
      Sorry if wrong.
      Perhaps it was related to an event near the fountain in the “SAKUSYU” town.

      by EroMaster €2020-02-22 3:01 PM

  • I couldn’t find a town by that name. Need more info

    by Thelonely €2020-05-19 1:16 PM

  • The Wan house is in Jouka town but can’t find the event to trigger it

    by TheLonely €2020-05-19 1:32 PM

    • Hmm…
      I don’t have time to play again, so I’ll write it with speculation.

      Have you seen the event “Colette in the town of Jouka”?
      I think the capture of this event will be the first trigger.

      However, it seems that if you make a mistake in the hard mode, you may not be able to proceed.

      I don’t know if it will be helpful, but tips article is at the following URL. (Japanese site)
      ttps: //ameblo.jp/dc-hentai/entry-12449923189.html

      I’m sorry, but I can’t support you any further.
      Good luck.

      by EroMaster €2020-05-20 10:21 AM

  • Thanks. I did trigger Colette and finished everything in Jouka underground but I’m missing Anzu. I think she’s the trigger for Dark house and WanWan

    by TheLonely €2020-05-20 1:00 PM

  • Is there a game like this but the hero is a boy ( shota) with the same genres

    by Hito €2020-05-23 1:01 PM

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