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Price:330 JPY (As of 2025/01/13)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | ASGO |
Release: | Sep/10/2017 |
Age Ratings: | X-rated |
Work Format: | Manga |
File Format: | JPEG |
Genre: | Idol / Harem |
File Size: | 9.6MB |
Summary [By
A doujinshi where 2nd year students from "L*ve Live!" go to hot spring!
The protagonist arrived at a certain rural hot spring inn.
He was for sure taking bath in men's section, but there are some girls!
They are... H*noka, Um* and K*tori, all performers of a live he just attended today!
While taking bath together, he of course cannot help getting a hard erection...
He tries to masturbate without anyone catching on, but...
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TOP10 Ranking of 10/09/2017 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.