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Price:990 JPY (As of 2025/02/27)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | Circle Eden |
Release: | Oct/24/2018 |
Age Ratings: | X-rated |
Work Format: | Digital Novel |
File Format: | EXE |
Option: | Inc. Music |
Genre: | Breasts / Dirty Talk / Lots of White Cream/Juices / Successive Orgasms / Outdoor Exposure / Orgy Sex |
File Size: | 566.42MB |
Summary [By dlsite.com)
The latest version is [Ver1.1]
- New scenario, 2 base CG and variant CG have been added!
- A scenario file without movie has been added.
Please play this one if you had a problem in launching the game (Windows 8 may cause the problem).
The third volume of the pervert novel game "Touhou Kenchinroku"!
Show your d*ck around G*nsoukyou!
This time set in that vampire's mansion!
And your targets are... All of them!?
Kantoku (can be renamed) who is increasingly growing out of humanity shows off his
Gungnir (can be renamed) to be touched and put it into Private Square (can be renamed)
and give them shots of white Royal Flare (can be renamed)!
There are 27 base event CG with even amplified lewdness, plus variations for about 400 total!
Please take pity on the developers who nearly died through working on the scenario
which is about two times voluminous as the previous work and enjoy this hentai erotic story!
This time the story contains horror & suspense elements so depicts bleeding in some scenes.
But don't worry, there are no depictions of internal organs other than that part of the body!
This product is created so that this third volume alone is decently enjoyable,
but the first volume is available at 100 yen (+tax) so we recommend you to enjoy them together.




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TOP10 Ranking of 24/10/2018 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.