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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

Accidental exposure and planned erotic accidents, now broadcasting live!
Bonus: p*ssy on loan to the world! [DLsite.com]


Maniacal Exhibitionism by a Girl with a Dark Side By Mr. Octopus Sausage

Price:1,430 JPY (As of 2025/01/30)

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Circle Name:Mr. Octopus Sausage  Works
Age Ratings:X-rated 
Work Format:RPG 
File Format:EXE 
Option:Inc. Music 
Genre:Girl / Hentai / Outdoor Exposure / Ashamed / Woman Rapes Man / Robot Sex 
File Size:63.58MB 

Summary [By dlsite.com)

Accidental exposure and planned erotic accidents, now broadcasting live!
Bonus: p*ssy on loan to the world!

A girl with a secret dark side that has a tendency for exhibitionism.
She likes to strip nude in a movie theater, and upload photos she took of her own p*ssy onto sex forums.
One day, she makes a huge decision:
to plan and execute some "accidental" exposure in public,
and broadcast them live to become an internet idol!
And after she gains a lot of viewers...

- First half of the game features some maniacal exhibitionism.
Aid her in succeeding in performing some exposure such as:
- Stripping silently in a darkened movie theater and watching the movie naked
- Uploading photos she takes of her own p*ssy onto sex forums
... and many other crazy situations!

- Then, broadcast live videos of her erotic exhibitionist "accidents."
Broadcast generic "cute girl introducing her private life" live videos with an erotic twist
and gain many viewers.

!!The secret to getting subscribers!!
1) To wear as revealing clothes as possible
2) To expose panties or breasts in public
3) Stimulate viewers' imaginations by licking an ice lolly suggestively

- Don't get reported!
If her exposure becomes too obviously staged she will be reported and
her broadcasts stopped! Proceed with caution.

- "Viewers Gauge" and "Obviousness Gauge"
These two gauges will always be on screen during broadcasts. Keep an eye on them!

- Pay attention to the reactions after broadcast too
When panties- or nipple-flashing gets circulated on the internet her viewing figures go up!
Aim for more note-worthy exposures!

- Once you get noticed by the internet, aim to go viral
Fan the flames of her popularity by commenting on the circulating images.
If she go viral her viewing figures go up!!
When her viewing figures go up she might even be able to set up a fan site!
Refer to requests or encouraging comments for inspiration!

- But... what is the ultimate goal of the game?
When she has secured a large number of viewers and are socially influential,
the game's ultimate goals is in sight; she is actually in search of the culprit who raped her
many years ago - find him and take revenge, etc.
Clear various quests using information provided by her viewers!!

- If she finds a certain power stone...
A small portal to an alternate dimension, connecting her to a glass cup held by
by someone she thinks of.
If she pushes her p*ssy against that dimensional hole, she can enjoy getting penetrated
or other fun things done to her from all over the world.

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Maniacal Exhibitionism by a Girl with a Dark Side


Maniacal Exhibitionism by a Girl with a Dark Side


Maniacal Exhibitionism by a Girl with a Dark Side


Maniacal Exhibitionism by a Girl with a Dark Side


Maniacal Exhibitionism by a Girl with a Dark Side


Maniacal Exhibitionism by a Girl with a Dark Side


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