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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

An RPG of which protagonist is a shota (young boy) loving woman. [DLsite.com]
Eclair, Magical Detective By dai2hokenshistu

Price:1,210 JPY (As of 2025/03/14)

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Circle Name:dai2hokenshistu
Last Modified:Upgrade Information /  
Series:Shota Loving Heroine RPG
Age Ratings:X-rated 
Work Format:RPG 
File Format:EXE 
Option:Inc. Music / Trial 
Genre:Shota / Onesan/Older Girl/Older Sister / Breeches / Submissive Man / Virgin/Intact Male 
File Size:402.76MB 

Summary [By dlsite.com)

* Story
Being a magical detective is meant to investigate into any incidents
that are related to magic spells. Eclair is one of the magical detectives.
But since she owns such a strong shota-loving kink, she forces any
requests without relation to shota on her assistant, loafing days away.

But one day, an attractive request comes to her office...!
This request is to search the client's son who missed a while ago.
Eclair undertakes this request with a powerful motivation,
without knowing that it is a cause of a mass-scale incident...

* This is a normal type of RPG. No mystery solving or things like that.

* Disclaimer!!
Many scenes depict not only woman but also shota.
Slight expression of BL is contained (no BL sex, though).
No depiction of scatology contained.
A little number of H scenes with other than the shota are contained (e.g. defeat H).

* Volume
Over 160 scenes for reminiscence. Over 150 base images / Over 1,500 incl. variations

* Game Over
Basically there is no game over with only a few exceptions.
When defeated by minor enemies, you will return with only
clothes lost. When defeated by boss enemies, you will
return to right before the battle with recovered status.

* Others
- Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.

- Requires RPG TKool VX Ace RTP:

FAQ for this works and circle.
We will answer as much as possible to the question to this works. I'm bad at English, but if that's okay push on button above and send your request.

sixteen − 7 =

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Eclair, Magical Detective


Eclair, Magical Detective


Eclair, Magical Detective


Eclair, Magical Detective


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