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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

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A Shoot 'Em Up of macro proportions! When giant anime women invade the galaxy, only a team is able to stand against them and put things right: a pizza guy with a pilot's license, a lovely engineer and a tiny robot flying on a garbage truck spaceship! [DLsite.com]
Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation By Portland Caviar

Price:1,287 JPY (As of 2025/03/01)

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Circle Name:Portland Caviar  Works
Release date:Mar/01/2025 0
Series name:Captain Firehawk
Author:Portland Caviar
Product format:Shooting 
File format:Application 
Supported languages:Chinese Simplified / Chinese Traditional / Japanese / English 
Genre:Female Protagonist / Male Protagonist / Clothes Changing / Dress up / Anime / Gag / Joke / Big Breasts / Supersize 
File size: 843.99MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)

A shooter where your bullets strip off clothing pieces from giant, skyscraper-sized women!
Inspired by many classics from the golden age of arcades, Captain Firehawk pays respect to the Shoot 'Em Up genre, putting a comedic and raunchy twist on the classic formula.

超巨大な女性キャラたちの服を、君の撃つ弾で脱がすシューターゲーム! ゲームセンター黄金時代の数多くのクラシックゲームにインスパイアされた『Captain Firehawk』は、弾幕ゲームジャンルにリスペクトを払い、クラシックなゲーム性にコメディーかつ卑猥な要素を混ぜ込んでいます。When enormous, size-morphing vixens begin attacking planets throughout the galaxy, only one team can stand against these formidable foes and set things right: Emmy the engineer, Dr. Unit, the cinematographer robot, and Captain Firehawk, a pizza guy with a pilot's license.
They must rely on their wits, quick reflexes and - of course - Firehawk's legendary retro gaming skills!

変幻自在にサイズを変える魅力的な女性たちに、銀河中の惑星が襲撃を受けている。そんな恐敵に対抗し、成敗できるのは…エンジニア「エミー」、撮影監督ロボの「ドクター・ユニット」、そしてパイロット免許を持つピザ配達員からなるチームのみだった。己の知恵と反射速度、そしてもちろん、ファイヤーホークの持つレトロゲームの敏腕な腕前を頼りに、巨大娘たちを退治しよう!- Retro Love Letter: PC-98-inspired graphics paired with 21st-century sensibilities!
- Hot Anime Ladies: Meet and befriend a colorful cast of sexy gals!
- Nudity & Clothing Destruction: Shoot 'em up to strip them down!
- Giantesses Gallery: When you beat a level, a giantess will be able to be observed on their stage with pan, zoom and clothing controls.

- レトロゲームへのラブレター:PC-98感あふれるグラフィックと、21世紀的な雰囲気を融合。
- 魅力的なアニメ調キャラたち:彩りあふれるセクシーガールたちとの出会いと友情を!
- ヌード&衣装破壊:服を脱がせる弾幕攻撃!
- 巨大娘ギャラリー:ステージをクリアするごとに、自由に移動、ズーム、服の表示を変更しながら巨大娘を楽しめるギャラリーをアンロック!- Dr. Unit's Private Gallery: A gallery showcasing how each giantess was captured!
By reaching 100% progress in each stage, a special animation will be unlocked.
Progress is based on the amount of money raised, which is cumulative, so with skill,
you can unlock new content in just a few tries - or even on your first!

- ドクター・ユニットのマル秘ギャラリー:巨大娘たちの確保過程が見られる特別なギャラリーを解放しよう! ステージのクリア率を100%にすれば、特殊なアニメーションがアンロックされる。クリア率は獲得したお金の累計から算出されるため、腕が良ければたった数回、はたまた初トライでだってアンロック可能。Featuring visual novel story segments with animated character sprites, seamlessly blends story and gameplay to deliver the ultimate analog arcade experience for the modern era!


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Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation


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