This work is currently available in the following languages:
- English
Price:220 JPY (As of 2025/01/07)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Nov/06/2024 0 |
Age: | R18 |
Product format: | Manga |
File format: | JPEG |
Supported languages: | English |
Genre: | Uniform / School Swimwear / Lovey Dovey / Sweet Love / Pure Love / Bukkake / Outdoor Sex / Shame / Humiliation / Short Hair |
Summary [By
Visiting home makes you remember the love you experienced in days gone by.
Nothing's changed in his hometown, the same familiar smells are on the breeze.
Now that it's easier to travel, he's back home for the first time in a very long time.
A student passes him on a bike that reminds him of someone he used to know...
Recommended if you:
- head to your hometown and recall your girlfriend
- like women with short hair
- are dragging out long-finished relationships
- like swimsuits
- used to be in the swim club
01: Main Story
02: Text-free Version
03: Bonus pages
- This work is intended for adults only. All characters depicted are over 18 years old and entirely fictional.
It is not based on any real person, place, group, or event.
- Viewing or sharing this material by individuals under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited.
- Unauthorized reproduction, duplication, distribution, or any secondary use of this work is not allowed.
- The copyright of the images and Japanese text of this work belongs to Atelier TODO.
- The circle assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by the use of this work.
Production: Atelier TODO
Manga: Shiruko
Original: TODO Produce
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TOP10 Ranking of 06/11/2024 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.