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Price:1,320 JPY (As of 2025/01/14)
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Circle Name: | Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise Works |
Release: | Apr/08/2017 |
Age Ratings: | X-rated |
Work Format: | Voice |
File Format: | MP3 |
Option: | Inc. Voice / Trial |
Genre: | Witch / Sister / Masturbation |
File Size: | 928.27MB |
Summary [By
The hero's party crumble in defeat before the almighty demon lord and
the Mage and the Cleric (female) are snuffed from this mortal plane...
At least... that is what you thought.
The cruel demon lord has come up with some delicious mind f*ck!
You see, the souls and conscious of the Mage and Cleric have been
transferred to some synthesized artificial bodies... only one catch.
Only one will be saved. For sh*ts and giggles, the demon lord has decided
to force the hero to decide which of his two beloved companions will
continue to exist and which one will be eradicated from the world... a mere 3 days...
[Choice Method]
1. For the next two days, the Mage and the Cleric will take turns
at teasing the hero and attempting to get him (= you) to cum...
The one that is successful in doing so is the chosen one.
2. If the hero does not cum over the 2 days then he gets to
choose of his own will who which of the two will be saved...
They cannot be both saved. There is no such ending.
Note: The protagonist = hero = you of this story is an asshole.
There is no love to be found in this scenario... anywhere... at all.
[Track List]
*prologue.mp3/wav Prologue [11:41] Normal
*day1m.mp3/wav [Day 1] Mage [18:54] Binaural
*day1s.mp3/wav [Day 1] Cleric [21:23] Binaural
*day2m.mp3/wav [Day 2] Mage [23:28] Binaural
*day2s.mp3/wav [Day 2] Cleric [26:25] Binaural
*day3.mp3/wav [Day 3] Choice [10:36] Normal
*day3m.mp3/wav [Day 3] Mage END [28:05] Binaural
*day3s.mp3/wav [Day 3] Cleric END [24:58] Binaural
Total playback: approx 2 hours 45 minutes
WAV: 1,536kbps (16bit x 48kHz)
Listen in one of the following two orders depending
on which of the two heroines you wish to 'save'.
1prologue > 2day1m > 3day1s > 4day2m > 5day2s > 6day3 > 7day3m
1prologue > 2day1m > 3day1s > 4day2m > 5day2s > 6day3 > 7day3s
[File Contents]
MP3 audio files
WAV audio files
cover images
throwin banners etc
Scenario: Takatomo Miyahara
CV: Soramame.
Illustration: @jirogin8810
Circle: Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise
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TOP10 Ranking of 08/04/2017 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.