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- Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]
Price:550 JPY (As of 2025/01/18)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Sep/18/2024 0 |
Scenario: | 御厨みくり |
Voice Actor: | そらまめ。 |
Age: | R18 |
Product format: | Voice / ASMR |
File format: | WAV |
Supported languages: | Chinese Traditional |
Genre: | Gal / Cohabitation / Breast Sex / Blowjob / Fellatio / Ear Licking |
Summary [By
Get the CG set version here:
The protagonist is an exhausted office worker living by himself.
One day, he orders some pizza, only to find he's hungrier for the cute gal that works there.
When she forgets her house key, he offers to let her stay at his place since she can't ask friends,
and her mother works late, and isn't picking up.
"Don't do anything weird though, okay?"
She jokes about it, but of course this would be the start of a rather close relationship...
Ririna Mano
A gal working at a pizza place working to help support her mother.
She teases the virgin protagonist, and seems experienced, but...?
Ear licking, titjob, sex whispers, confession, secret cowgirl outsideCV:
Mikuri Mikuriya
Die Brust "Various Sound Effects 100"
18kin SE "Sound Effect -I made love with her last night.5"
Yorumaga!-ASMR Night Life Media "City Noise ASMR (Recorded With High-quality Binaural Mic)"
Other works by "Translators Unite"
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TOP10 Ranking of 18/09/2024 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.