This work is currently available in the following languages:
- Korean [한국어]
Price:1,100 JPY (As of 2025/01/14)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | DDongBangGu Works |
Release date: | Jul/23/2024 0 |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | CG + Illustrations |
File format: | |
Supported languages: | Korean |
Genre: | Scatology |
File size: | 60.82MB |
Summary [By
작품명:티바트에서 방귀를 발산해서는 안되는걸까
주의 : 해당 작품의 일부는 pixiv 및 pixiv fanbox에 올라와 있으니 이점 참고하시고 구매하시길 바랍니다.
해당작품은 한국어로 이루어져 있습니다.
注意 : 該当作品の一部はpixiv及びpixiv fanboxに掲載されていますので、ご参考の上、ご購入ください。
notice : Some of these works are posted on pixiv and pixiv fanbox, so please take note and purchase them.
This posted trans by Korean.
표지 포함 64페이지
64 pages with cover
表紙付き 64ページです
표지 및 일러스트 ラキャン :
If you acquire the works introduced on this site in a way other than the regular method, you may be asked for damages from the right holder of the works. This site is intended to promote buy the works to the user who downloaded it illegally of the works.
This site is not a reach site. All works information on our site is posted with permission of the distributor. There is no illegal content.
TOP10 Ranking of 23/07/2024 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.