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- Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]
Price:308 JPY (As of 2025/01/16)
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Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Jun/28/2024 0 |
Author: | しおん |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Manga |
File format: | JPEG / PDF file |
Supported languages: | Chinese Traditional |
Genre: | Breasts / Oneesan / Older Girl / Older Sister / Age Disparity / Elder Girl x Younger Boy / Hand Job / Internal Cumshot / Breast Sex / Blowjob / Fellatio |
Summary [By
Your blood-related older sister. Brown hair. (She dyed it upon enrolling.)
She has the appearance of a "nowadays" gal, and loves chitchat and fashion.
She has a lot of friends regardless of gender, but hasn't had much luck finding herself a boyfriend.
As of late, you haven't been paying as much attention to her as you used to, and she is a bit distraught.
Big Breasts.Your friend's older sister. Has soft, light, chestnut colored hair and a laid back personality.
Her hobby is baking sweets.
She's has a thing for younger guys. Especially her younger brother.
The one who proposed the idea of swapping younger brothers for sexy fun.
Massive Breasts.32 total pages
Without dialogue variations available.
JPG / PDF formats (for both variants)
+ Hi-res cover illustration
* Unlike the sample images, the actual pages use black bar censoring.スマートフォン版では【高解像度表紙イラスト】はブラウザ視聴のみ可能となっております。
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TOP10 Ranking of 28/06/2024 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.