This work is currently available in the following languages:
- Korean [한국어]
Price:1,320 JPY (As of 2025/01/12)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Nov/10/2023 0 |
Scenario: | ドアノブ |
Illustration: | 藍沢ちひろ |
Voice Actor: | 眠音りま |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Voice / ASMR |
File format: | WAV |
Supported languages: | Korean |
Genre: | Touch / Feel / Oneesan / Older Girl / Older Sister / Molestation / Shame / Humiliation |
Summary [By
The beautiful, gentle massage girl invites you into the VIP room...
and rapes you to her heart's content!A pure and gentle-seeming masseuse who seems to be in her mid 20s.
She speaks politely, but has a crafty side. Loves to take pictures.
Her favorite type of man is... you!PV. 初めての方でも大丈夫ですよ♪ (7:07)
01. タオルを巻いたままだと効果が半減してしまいますので♪ (8:00)
02. 中からほぐしていきますね♪ (18:43)
03. みなさんやってますから♪ (15:29)
04. ここにリンパが集まってるんですよ♪ (14:27)
05. 毒素を全部出しておきましょう♪ (16:56)
EX. 毒素を洗い流しておきましょう♪ (13:24)
眠音りま様フリートーク (4:45)Performance: Rima Nemurine
Art: Chihiro Aizawa
Written by Doorknob
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TOP10 Ranking of 10/11/2023 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.