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Price:616 JPY (As of 2025/01/15)
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Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Oct/19/2023 0 |
Author: | ゴ太郎 |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Manga |
File format: | PNG / PDF file |
Supported languages: | Chinese Traditional |
Genre: | Decadent / Immoral / Violation / Fiendish / Brutal / Coercion / Compulsion / Tentacle / Interspecies Sex / Body Modification / Nipple Penetration |
Summary [By
Once upon a time there was a demon lord called the "Demon Lord of Sacrifice."
She was so cruel that not only did she think nothing of human life, she proactively sought to toy with it... and she was so strong, that no-one could do anything about it. A certain heroic couple attempt to challenge her, but they are unsuccessful and defeated themselves. Making an example of them, the wife is dropped into a tentacle pitfall... and in that hole of hellish pleasure too great for any human to endure, the wife is forced to climax over and over again, violated and defiled, and finally executed... all in front of her husband.
A few years later, the hero husband who somehow managed to survive challenges the demon lord once more.
This time, however, the demon lord is defeated and she is dropped into the same tentacle hole as the hero's wife. Her body is teased and tormented and before she looses control, the demon lord casts "sensory deprivation" magic on herself to buy herself some time.
With no understanding of the human psyche, and the only thing free being her mouth. she tries to persuade the hero to help her, but every word escaping her mouth is highly insensitive and rubs the hero the wrong way.
Meanwhile, inside the hole, every orifice of the demon lord's body is being violated, and the deluge of pleasure building up behind her sensory deprivation magic is but waiting explode!
The moment her magic wears off, the demon lord will lose her sanity and be thrown into the hellish pandemonium of pleasure. It is only the demon lord who optimistically thinks she can still be saved, that she can somehow manage... Of course, her mana hits 0 and the end is nigh.
The end of the beginning... For her harrowing ordeal has only just begun...!
There is no salvation found here... but that's fine, she doesn't deserve any!
59 pages
Contains: tentacles, anal, breast engorgement, nipple fucking, pseudo-egg laying, jelly excretion, personality excretion, pregbelly, and more!
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TOP10 Ranking of 19/10/2023 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.