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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

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幼なじみ♀と入れ替わってる俺♂の妊娠判定の結果は予想外の…! ? [DLsite.com]
巨乳幼なじみ♀と入れ替わった俺♂の人生は…上々だ!?_(松任知基FANBOX2023.6まとめ)【JP/EN】 By UNANETO(Matsutou,Tomoki)

Price:880 JPY (As of 2025/03/23)

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Circle Name:UNANETO(Matsutou,Tomoki)  Works
Release date:Sep/05/2023 0
Series name:FANBOXまとめ
Product format:Manga 
File format:JPEG / PDF file 
Supported languages:Japanese / English 
Genre:Cross-section View / Foreign Objects / Sex Change / Transsexual / Big Breasts 
File size: 48.88MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)

幼馴染同士でお互いの精神が入れ替わってしまった伊吹(中身は大和♂)と大和(中身は伊吹♀)、伊吹(中身は大和♂)の妊娠判定の結果は予想外の…! ?
Ibuki (inside is Yamato♂) and Yamato (inside is Ibuki♀), childhood friends who have switched each other's spirit, and the result of Ibuki's (inside is Yamato♂) pregnancy test is unexpected...! ?

Tomoki Matsutou's FANBOX manga for June 2023.The previously commercially serialized male-female spirit exchange manga "Exchange - Exchange with a childhood friend! ~This is a continuation of the story.

I don't have an assistant and I do the translation myself, so the number of comics I can do is small, but I'm doing my best every month to deliver erotic and amusing content that resonates with everyone who likes this genre!
Your support would be greatly appreciated.





----Recorded at ---------------------------------------------

Ibuki (inside is Yamato♂) is thrilled at the internal examination, but the result of the pregnancy test is unexpected...?
*(5 pages of full-color manga)

A version with no dialogue is also included.
Total 12pages (including front cover and colophon)

There are two versions of the file, Japanese and English.
Other languages are not yet supported, so a Japanese text file for translation is included.
*After "FANBOX_2022.12 Summary", pdf files are included as well as jpg files.

FANBOX is designed to allow later supporters to see all past posts, but I want to make it better for early and long-time supporters, so I delete posts from the previous month when the month changes. (I do keep some of the general public and progress).

I believe that sales here are for those who want to see the past month’s manga as later support, and for those who are reluctant to support monthly, so the price is the same regardless of the number of pages or color. is set to the amount obtained by adding a fee to the minimum support amount on FANBOX.
中身の精神は【朝比奈 大和♂】
入れ替わって数年経過しているが未だに女らしい振る舞いを忘れがち。【朝比奈 大和♂】

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sixteen − six =

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