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- English
Price:385 JPY (As of 2025/01/18)
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Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Aug/09/2023 0 |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Manga |
File format: | JPEG |
Supported languages: | English |
Genre: | Woman's Viewpoint / Peeing Oneself / Lesbian / Enema / Anal |
Summary [By
The main character visits a beauty parlor after seeing a dubious advertisement about weight loss.
Said parlor's main salespoint was a course claiming it could "melt fat from within your belly and release it so you can become your ideal body type."
The woman follows the order of the beautiful and kind looking director without question.
She changes into an outfit which exposes her anus... and the special treatment begins.
At first, it was supposed to just be a normal old oil massage, but for some reason, the director's touch is focused on the woman's anal region... and then suddenly, the woman is injected with a jelly enema!!
A mixture of jelly powder and lots and lots of water are forced inside of her.
On top of that the director begins to massage her now bloated belly!!
The girl's belly is kneaded and squeezed and tormented!
The question remains though... in the end, will the woman actually get her ideal body shape?
31 main pages (+ cover and afterword)
* The defecation scenes are all pink jelly induced pseudo-defecation. There is no defecation of any feces.
* Only the jelly is colored. The rest of the work is not colored.
* This work contains only anal teasing. No other genitalia / erogenous zones are teased.
* Woman x Woman. No role reversals, no turning the tables.A girl who has a complex over how she looks.
She has a slightly chubby belly and flat chest, but would like to become a busty slender woman.The beauty parlor director.
She is both beautiful and kind.
Other works by "Translators Unite"
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TOP10 Ranking of 09/08/2023 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.