貧しい子を犬として扱うお嬢様達の異常な遊びは、屋敷の姉妹からその友達にまで広がっていって… [DLsite.com]
This work is currently available in the following languages:
- Simplified Chinese [简体中文]
Price:440 JPY (As of 2025/01/18)
※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.
Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Jun/25/2023 0 |
Author: | ブリッツクリーク |
Scenario: | ブリッツクリーク |
Voice Actor: | 野上菜月 |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Voice / ASMR |
File format: | MP3 |
Supported languages: | Chinese Simplified |
Genre: | Collar / Chain / Restraints / Whip / Rope / Candle / Submissive Man |
System requirements: | mp3再生環境 |
Summary [By dlsite.com)
Poor, friendless and a disappointment to your parents... your time at university has been soul-crushing and now you've got the lonely summer vacation ahead...
One girl who lets you into her life. She invites you to her rich girl house. You had some classes together. She's the daughter of a corporate CEO.
You enter her bedroom where she promptly explains the facts: you are now the family dog. Until the end of summer, you will obey her and her sisters' every command.
Saori (oldest sister) - a few years ahead, first heir to the family fortune, lazy and self-indulgent.
Kotori (middle sister) - an honor student and a hypocrite with a secret sadistic streak.
Hitori (youngest sister) - the most sensible but also the most selfish.
MP3 format
Length: 52 minutes
Natsuki Nogami
Rei Tsukimiya
Chiroru Ohyama
Other works by "Translators Unite"
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TOP10 Ranking of 25/06/2023 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.