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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

スク水とポニーテールのロリっ子、ユイナは元気な空手少女です。最年少キャラですが容赦なく変態教師に犯されます!! [DLsite.com]


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ By WOLF

Price:1,320 JPY (As of 2025/01/18)

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※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.

Circle Name:WOLF  Works
Release date:Apr/21/2023 0
Voice Actor:眠音りま
Product format:Action / Voice / Music / Animation 
File format:Application 
Supported languages:Chinese Simplified / Chinese Traditional / Korean / Japanese / English 
Genre:Dot / Pixel / Loli / Younger Sister / School Swimwear / Fighting / Martial Arts / Violation / Rape / Ponytail 
File size: 63.36MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)

このコンテンツをお楽しみいただくには「WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~」の最新版(2023/4/20 現在)をダウンロードしていただく必要があります。
*作画   WOLF
*声優   眠音りまIt will be an additional character for "WOLF ~Ecchi update type fighting game~".
This work "WOLF ~ Haughty Update Type Fighting Game ~" is a fighting game in which beautiful girls fight around a perverted teacher, Shigezou.
The outline of the work is a game in which Shigezo sexually harasses girls and commits sexual harassment, but each girl character has a unique special move and super special move, so you can enjoy it as a normal fighting game.
Shigezo's erotic techniques and SEX positions will be increased regularly.
・To enjoy this content, you need to download the latest version (as of April 20, 2023) of "WOLF ~Naughty Update Type Fighting Game~".
If you have already purchased, please re-download and update. (Free re-download if purchased from the site)
If you haven't purchased it yet, please consider purchasing it from this link.
How to add is described in the manual included with the additional character content.
・If a new erotic technique is added to Perverted Old Man Shigezo in a future free update of "WOLF ~Horny Update Type Fighting Game~", this "Yuina" will also be updated with a free update, so link the page so that you can download it again. It is convenient to keep「WOLF~에치한 업데이트형 격투 게임~」의 추가 캐릭터가 됩니다.
본작 「WOLF~에치한 업데이트형 격투 게임~」은 변태 교사 시게 코끼리를 중심으로 미소녀들이 싸우는 격투 게임입니다.
작품의 개요는 시게 코끼리에서 소녀들에게 성희롱 기술을 짓거나 범하거나 하는 게임입니다만 각 소녀 캐릭터마다 고유의 필살기, 초필살기가 있어 보통의 격투 게임으로서도 즐길 수 있습니다.
시게 코끼리의 에로 기술, SEX 체위는 정기적으로 늘려갑니다.
・이 컨텐츠를 즐길 수 있게 하려면 「WOLF~에치한 업데이트형 격투 게임~」의 최신판(2023/4/20 현재)을 다운로드해 주실 필요가 있습니다.
이미 구입하신 분은 수고스럽지만 재다운로드하여 업데이트해 주십시오. (구입한 사이트라면 재다운로드 무료입니다)
아직 구입하지 않은 분은 여기 링크에서 구입을 검토 부탁드립니다.
추가 방법 등은 추가 캐릭터 컨텐츠의 동봉의 설명서에 기재되어 있습니다.
・향후의 「WOLF~에치한 업데이트형 격투 게임~」무료 업데이트로 변태 아버지 시게코우에 새로운 에로 기술이 추가된 경우, 이 「유이나」도 무료 업데이트로 갱신하므로 재다운로드할 수 있도록 페이지 링크 두는 것이 편리합니다.成為「WOLF ~Ecchi 更新型格鬥遊戲~」的追加角色。
Shigezo 的色情技術和 SEX 位置將定期增加。
・要享受此內容,您需要下載“WOLF ~頑皮更新型格鬥遊戲~”的最新版本(截至 2023 年 4 月 20 日)。
如果您已购买,请重新下载并更新。 (如果從網站購買,可以免費重新下載)
・如果今後免費更新《WOLF~色澤更新型格鬥遊戲~》時,變態老人重藏會追加新的情色技能的話,本作《由奈》也會免費更新,所以請鏈接到頁面可以重新下載,方便保存成为「WOLF ~Ecchi 更新型格斗游戏~」的追加角色。
Shigezo 的色情技术和 SEX 位置将定期增加。
・要享受此内容,您需要下载“WOLF ~顽皮更新型格斗游戏~”的最新版本(截至 2023 年 4 月 20 日)。
如果您已经购买,请重新下载更新。 (如果从网站购买,可以免费重新下载)
・如果今后免费更新《WOLF ~Ecchi 更新型格斗游戏~》时,变态老人重藏会追加新的情色技能的话,本作也会免费更新,所以请链接到页面可以重新下载,方便保存この作品をプレイするには「WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~(RJ379124)」が必要となります。

FAQ for this works and circle.
We will answer as much as possible to the question to this works. I'm bad at English, but if that's okay push on button above and send your request.

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スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


スク水で戦うロリっ子空手少女「ユイナ」・WOLF~エッチなアップデート型格闘ゲーム~ 追加キャラ


If you acquire the works introduced on this site in a way other than the regular method, you may be asked for damages from the right holder of the works. This site is intended to promote buy the works to the user who downloaded it illegally of the works.
* This site is not a reach site. All works information on our site is posted with permission of the distributor. There is no illegal content.


If you obtain the works described on this site by an unauthorized method such as BitTorrent, you may be sued by the right holder of the works even if you live outside Japan. This site is not a reach site.

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