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- Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]
Price:330 JPY (As of 2025/01/15)
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Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Feb/19/2023 0 |
Author: | 加藤じゅん |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Manga |
File format: | JPEG / PDF file |
Supported languages: | Chinese Traditional |
Genre: | Breasts / Female Doctor / Feminization / Sex Change / Transsexual / Breast Milk / Big Breasts / Nipples / Areola / Futanari / Hermaphrodite |
Summary [By
Just out of curiosity I took a job as a medical test subject.
After being given some drugs by a beautiful futanari doctor,
my body progressively became more and more feminine.
It became more sensitive.
My breasts swelled in size.
My penis, was replaced with a vagina.
... and I became captive to the pleasures of the female body...
A full color TSF manga featuring the gradual transition of male to female.
The second half of the story contains sexual content with the futanari doctor. OF COURSE~!
16 main manga pages (of which two are variant pages)
136 pages total including all variants
(* not including white page / colophon, but including duplicate pages)
1433x2024 image resolution
In addition to the main contents, the following variations are included:
- Dr. Futanari without glasses
- Without pubic hair
- Dr. Futanari with testicles
- Without pubic hair & Dr. Futanari with testicles
- Protagonist with tanned skin
- Protagonist with tanned skin & Dr. Futanari with testicles
- without dialogue, speech bubbles, onomatopeia, etc. text
Also includes PDF file format!
Author: Jun Katou
Other works by "Translators Unite"
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TOP10 Ranking of 19/02/2023 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.