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- Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]
Price:495 JPY (As of 2025/01/15)
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Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Aug/23/2022 0 |
Author: | 春々春兎 |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Manga |
File format: | PNG |
Supported languages: | Chinese Traditional |
Genre: | Loli / Sister / Nun / Internal Cumshot / Blowjob / Fellatio / Naughty / Lewd / Submissive Man / Anal / Oral Cumshot |
Summary [By
Sister Aria
Gentle mannered and loved by the townsfolk.
She is like an older sister to Iris and Chloe, and keeps things in order at the Church.
Loves sex.Sister Iris
A cheerful and lively little sprite. She can work well, but tends to slack off.
Chloe will often reprimand her for this, and the two thus end up getting into fights.
Loves sex.Sister Chloe
Quiet. Reading is her hobby.
She has a complex over being the only person with black hair, and feels like an outsider because of it.
Loves sex.Three smug loli nuns seduce and cum-squeeze men in the confessional.
While they may all be cocky lil sluts, one of them does actually have a weakness...
Features fellatio, oral cumshots, and creampies.
Hope you enjoy what these sisters get up to for charity donations!48 main pages
Without dialogue ver. / Mosaic censorship ver. / Black Bar censorship ver. available.
* Bonus
For ease of access, we included some illustrations of the nuns that we had previously released on our social media channels.
Counting everything up (including overlapping different ver. content) = 208 total images
Other works by "Translators Unite"
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TOP10 Ranking of 23/08/2022 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.