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- Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]
Price:385 JPY (As of 2025/01/18)
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Circle Name: | Translators Unite Works |
Release date: | Jul/26/2022 0 |
Author: | レインボーゾウ |
Scenario: | かく恋慕 |
Age: | 18+ |
Product format: | Manga |
File format: | JPEG / PDF file |
Supported languages: | Chinese Traditional |
Genre: | No Reverse / Older Stepsister / Living Together / Elder Girl x Younger Boy / Submissive Man |
Summary [By
"Welcome back... my beloved dick boy~ ♪"
My parents got divorced, and then remarried to other people.
I have a step-sister now... and this is the story of how I was milked dry of my cum every day...
by that kind, yet licentious older step-sister who just loooves semen.
She loves the taste. She loves the smell...
and she loves to fiddle with my dick, wherever, and whenever she gets the chance.
Every day after coming home from school, she will sniff my dick, and suck me off.
She will use my like some kind of pre-dinner snack.
When I'm taking a bath... or even in a public toilet at the park. There is no reprieve...
And yet... I am not allowed to touch her body. She forces me to deny myself.
At first I controlled myself. I held back best I could... But my restrain is wearing thin.
I pine, dream, yearn and ache for the day I can indulge in my beloved step-sisters body.
...and one day, I beg for her to have mercy ----------
42 main pages
PDF included
Manga Artwork: Rainbow Elephant (reinbo-zou)
Scenario Conception / Production: kakurenbo ( https: // )
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TOP10 Ranking of 26/07/2022 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.