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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

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本部分作为《迷情》第二话的第一部分,主要承接了第一话的剧情,为接下来第二话的主要部分做剧情铺垫。 [DLsite.com]


动画 迷情2  Part One By SW-S

Price:220 JPY (As of 2025/03/02)

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※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.

Circle Name:SW-S  Works
Release date:Jan/29/2022 16
Voice Actor:Xi Lan
Product format:Video 
File format:Miscellaneous Formats 
Supported languages:Chinese Simplified 
Genre:Anime / Masturbation / Rape 
File size: 227.27MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)


As for the first part of animation《Meijyo》,this part mainly follows the plot of the first episode and leads to the story in the next part.Due to the small amount and little H scene,we just set the price symbolically at 200 JPY.

このパートは、アニメーション「meijyo」の第2話の第1部として、主に第1話のプロットを引き受け、次の第2話の主要部分のためのプロットを行う準備をします。 このセクションは長くなく、H コンテンツも少ないため、価格は 200 JPY と象徴的に設定されています。由于我们与Polymation的合作终止,我们决定独立制作并发售《迷情》。我们的接下来的制作方式,可能会延续“僧侣档”的模式。





Due to the termination of our partnership with Polymation, we decided to produce and release 《Meijyo》 independently. Our next production method may continue the「On a Lustful Night with a Priest」model.

Our team is still short of manpower and faces other problems such as sales, however, our situation has improved compared to the beginning, and we sincerely thank the audience for tireless support.

Thanks to the addition of subsequent members, the next production of 《Meijyo》will be more elaborate (especially the H scene), and the duration will also increase, so please look forward to our next results.

In the previous collaboration, Polymation undertook the work of Chinese and Japanese dubbing, soundtrack, Japanese subtitles, Japanese dubbing, and sales, so now we are temporarily unable to give Japanese and Japanese subtitle versions, and we apologize to the Japanese audience here.In addition,the Traditional Chinese subtitle and Taiwanese version will be released later.

We are still in lack of experience of animation production and sale.Besides there are some other problems.If you would like to provide us with any help or advice in any aspects,please contact us.Twitter @SWS_MQ

Polymation との提携が終了したため、「meijyo」独自に制作し、販売することにしました。 私たちの次の方法は、おそらく「僧侶枠」のパターンを継続します。



以前のコラボレーションでは、中国語と日本語の吹き替え、サウンドトラック、日本語の字幕、日本語の吹き替え、販売を請け負っていたため、当分の間、日本語と日本語の字幕のバージョンを与えることができなかったので、日本の観客に申し訳ありません。 また、繁体字版は後日リリースされる予定です。


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动画 迷情2  Part One


动画 迷情2  Part One


动画 迷情2  Part One


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