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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

戦闘に変態チックなひねりを加えたエロティックなRPG!悪の博士エイダが町を変態の危機に陥れようとしている! [DLsite.com]


Damsels of Vice By Overlord Empire LLC

Price:1,650 JPY (As of 2025/03/03)

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※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.

Circle Name:Overlord Empire LLC  Works
Release date:Jan/11/2022 16
Product format:Role-playing / Music 
File format:Application 
Supported languages:English 
Genre:Woman's Viewpoint / Bondage / Restraint / Machine Sex / Futanari / Hermaphrodite / Body Modification 
File size: 333.55MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)




街一番のスーパーヒロイン、ボンジェッタとヒートストロークは、手遅れになる前に彼女を止めなければならない......だが、とんでもない事に! この2人もまたビンボシスのエロティックな効果によって、悪の子分、スライム、犯罪者たちと戦うだけでなく、愛と欲望という燃え上がる欲望とも戦わなければならない運命だ。

Damsels of Viceは、アクション満載!戦闘に変態チックなひねりを加えたエロティックなRPGです。




パワーアップ ダイナミックなスキルシステムで、ヒロインたちを思い通りにレベルアップさせよう!



縛られたり、媚薬のスライムをかけられたり、ラテックスに封印されたり、様々な "Peril "に直面する。





矢印キー - 移動
EnterキーまたはZキー - 確認
EscキーまたはXキー - キャンセルまたはメニュー(バトル以外)
Shiftキー(押しっぱなし) - スプリント/高速移動
Tabキー(押したまま) - ダイアログの早送り


Don't become just another damsel in distress!

The evil Dr. Adelle “Ada” Vice is about to plunge Infinity City into a kinky crisis, transforming all of the citizens into loyal and horny bimbos made to serve her through her latest breakthrough, BIMBOSIS! Two of the city’s greatest superheroines, Bondgetta and Heatstroke, must stop her before it’s too late… but OH NO! They too have fallen under the erotic effects of “bimbosis” and must not only struggle against evil henchmen, slime creatures and criminal thugs, but also against their own burning desires of love and lust.

Damsels of Vice is an erotic RPG that takes action-packed combat and gives it a kinky twist. Fight against various villains as they beat, bind and seduce our two sexy superheroines who will turn into bimbos if they can’t resist their foes. Enemies will cause special status effects called “Perils” that change the rhythm and flow of combat while they struggle to escape! Oh, and if you let your Resistance reach zero, you're f*cked. Literally!

Take turn-based combat to the next level with special Action Sequences! These are special button prompts that accommodate most enemy attacks. Press the correct arrow key fast enough to lessen or avoid incoming attacks and mischievous extra effects. Be warned, however, because true villains cheat! Some enemy skills will punish you for succeeding and reward you for failing.

Power Up! Your heroines level the way YOU want them to with the dynamic skill system. Use extra Lewda earned from combat and treasure chests to give Bondgetta and Heatstroke access to new skills, powerful passives and extra stat points throughout their journey! With all of the tricky villains and hidden traps, they will need all of the help they can get.

Avoid hidden traps and travel to four different dungeons, each one introducing a new Peril!

Take combat to the next level with Action Sequences that give enemy attacks special button prompts that give the heroines a chance to alter the end result… If they succeed.

Struggle out of Perils such as being bound, getting covered aphrodisiac slime and being sealed in skin-tight latex.

Customize the heroine’s skills and stats through the Power Up system!

Too easy? Too hard? Never fear! Change the difficulty at any time to slow things down or speed things up.

A total of ten achievements to earn in this light-hearted, extra erotic adventure!

Join the developer Discord server (English speaking):

Arrow Keys – Move
Enter or Z Key – Confirm
Esc or X Key – Cancel or Menu (Outside of Battle)
Shift Key (Hold) – Sprint/Move Fast
Tab Key (Hold) – Fast-forward Dialogue

Let's promote sex positivity and stay kinky my lovely perverts!

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We will answer as much as possible to the question to this works. I'm bad at English, but if that's okay push on button above and send your request.

sixteen − 2 =

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Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


Damsels of Vice


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