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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

オナラフェチの彼を喜ばせるために日向は彼の顔にオナラをしてあげる事に・・・ [DLsite.com]
Clark Shrinking

Price:1,210 JPY (As of 2021/03/18)

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Circle Name:Hentai 3D  Works
Release date:Mar/18/2021 16
Product format:Video 
File format:MP4 
Genre:Fetish / Abnormal/Perverted / Student / Uniform / School/Academy / Shame/Humiliation 
File size: 393.63MB  

Summary [By dlsite.com)

このアニメーションは、近日リリース予定のゲーム「School Defenders」のアニメ版です。ゲームリリースのプロモーションも兼ねています。ご期待ください。

2018年8月からこのゲーム「School Defenders」の制作に取り組んでいます。バージョン1.0は既に でプレイ可能です。


「School Defenders1.0」は、2020年11月26日に でリリースされた後アップデートを重ね、ほぼ準備が整ったバージョン1.1をDLsiteで公開する予定です。



I'm releasing this animation to announce that the game School Defenders will be finally released soon at DLsite, stay tuned!

I'm working on this game School Defenders since August, 2018, and I'll release the full version soon on DLSite. You can already play the version 1.0 at:

This animation is one of the animations the game will have but in Full HD, I decided to release this one separately just to announce to my supporters at DLSite that the full game will be published here soon (probably on April, 2021).

School Defenders 1.0 was released at on November 26th, 2020 and since this day, I'm working on more updates, after this, I'll publish the version 1.1 which is almost ready.

Clark Shrinking animation tells the history of Hinata's boyfriend who started to shrink on the classroom.

He was very sad and desperate with that situation and Hinata seeing that, decided to do his fart fetish just to make him feel more happy, so, she starts to fart on his face and then decides to eat his fishes to fart more on his face.

FAQ for this works and circle.
We will answer as much as possible to the question to this works. I'm bad at English, but if that's okay push on button above and send your request.

three × four =

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Clark Shrinking


Clark Shrinking


Clark Shrinking


Clark Shrinking


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