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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

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A set of audio works about having sex with a cosplaying voice actress. CV: Kaede Akino, others. [DLsite.com]
Any Audio Producers Out There Have IRL Sex With Their Voice Actresses? By Ore-toku Voice factory

Price:2,640 JPY (As of 2025/03/18)

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Circle Name:Ore-toku Voice factory  Works
Series:Offline Mating with Cosplayer
Age Ratings:X-rated 
Work Format:Voice 
File Format:MP3 
Genre:Binaural / Coquettish/Seduction / Cosplay 
File Size:3.53GB 

Summary [By dlsite.com)

This set contains the following 3 works:

"You're Going to Sell My Work With The Hands That Jacked Me Off? (RE278530)"
"Do You Hate Doujin Seiyuu That Fuck Virgin Audio Work Creators? (RE278531)"
"Greeting the Morning With the Voice Actress That Helped You Sell (RE278532)"
"You're Going to Sell My Work With The Hands That Jacked Me Off? (RE278530)"

The big doujin audio event is here, and you've got the voice actress
from your newest effort at your booth to help you sell!
Dressed as the character in the work, no less! You've been excited about this for a while...

When 2 PM rolls around, she's already gotten tons of gifts and fan letters.
And then she makes an interesting suggestion...
"Hey, want to have a little contest? If you win, I'll give you a handjob right here."

"Do You Hate Doujin Seiyuu That Fuck Virgin Audio Work Creators? (RE278531)"

After a doujin event, you attend an after party with the voice actress from your newest work.
And the two of you are also staying in the same hotel... in neighboring rooms!
After a chance meeting at the convenience store, she goes on SNS and tells all her fans that
she went right home after the event. But that's not true...

"Greeting the Morning With the Voice Actress That Helped You Sell (RE278532)"

You had the seiyuu of your newest audio work help you sell it at an event, and now the two of you
are back at the hotel. You two share a bed, and the next morning, a shower.
And there's still plenty of time left until checkout...

"Want to do it one more time...?"

01.注意事項(会場編) 04:18
02.結構落ち着いてきましたね~ 04:59
03.やっほ~恋ちゃ~ん 04:20
04.してあげようかなぁ~って 09:06
05a.用意できました~?(手袋あり) 04:57
05b.用意できました~?(手袋なし) 04:58
06a.今度は耳舐め手コキですね(手袋あり) 10:57
06b.今度は耳舐め手コキですね(手袋なし) 10:57
07.天城谷さんいらっしゃいますか~? 04:57
08a.続きしてあげましょうか(手袋あり) 05:47
08b.続きしてあげましょうか(手袋なし) 05:47
09.天城谷恋さん…ですよね? 04:19
10a.サービスしちゃいますよっ(手袋あり) 09:15
10b.サービスしちゃいますよっ(手袋なし) 09:10
11.恋ちゃん久しぶり~! 04:27
12a.もう一回勝負しません?(手袋あり) 12:19
12b.もう一回勝負しません?(手袋なし) 12:06
13.お掃除してあげましょっか 10:55
14.注意事項(オフパコ編) 04:14
15.ホテル帰りましょっか 04:08
16.またお会いしましたねっ 07:11
17.2次会ってことで 27:08
18.耳かきしてあげましょっか 11:24
19.オフパコ…してみます? 07:43
20a.一緒にゴム買いに行きましょ 09:14
20b.私がゴム買ってきますね 10:51
21a-a.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコンあり眼鏡あり) 12:12
21a-b.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコンあり眼鏡あり・着替え中無言) 12:12
21b-a.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコンあり眼鏡無し) 11:47
21b-b.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコンあり眼鏡無し・着替え中無言) 11:47
21c-a.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコン無し眼鏡あり) 11:53
21c-b.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコン無し眼鏡あり・着替え中無言) 11:53
21d-a.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコン無し眼鏡無し) 11:36
21d-b.じゃあ…しましょ、っか(カラコン無し眼鏡無し・着替え中無言) 11:36
22a.もう我慢できないんでしょ(陰毛処理済) 18:04
22b.もう我慢できないんでしょ(陰毛未処理) 18:08
23.こんなメッセ来ましたよ 05:19
24.アリバイも呟いたし… 11:43
25.フェラしてあげましょうか 08:16
26.騎乗位でやりたいんですぅ~ 12:09
27.動けない感じです~? 06:08
28.写真撮影ですかぁ~? 07:13
29.私たちの関係ってさ… 07:47
30.注意事項(翌朝編) 02:55
31.おはよ~ございまぁす 06:22
32-a.お風呂でえっちしませんか 18:50
32-b.お風呂でえっちしませんか(ウィッグ無し) 18:24
33.女の子のお風呂は長いんですぅ~ 15:12
34.今からもう一回しません? 07:26
35a.実際に生でしてみません?(外出し) 14:13
35b.実際に生でしてみません?(中出し) 13:57
36.彼氏と彼女でしょ? 03:07
37.ありがとうございましたぁ~ 00:52
38.秋野かえで様・収録後フリートーク 08:25Cast

Doujin seiyuu Ren Amakiya
CV: Kaede Akino

Ren's friend Rina Kitaoka
CV: Tsubame Yuzuki

Ren's friend Moe Asakura
CV: Minase Suzuka

Ren's friend Shouko Kanzaki

Ren's Friend Miyabi Sudou
CV: Maria Kusunoki

Jacket Illustration

Title Logo
Mizuki Amamiya

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Any Audio Producers Out There Have IRL Sex With Their Voice Actresses?


Any Audio Producers Out There Have IRL Sex With Their Voice Actresses?


Any Audio Producers Out There Have IRL Sex With Their Voice Actresses?


Any Audio Producers Out There Have IRL Sex With Their Voice Actresses?


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