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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

A high-level swordswoman gets futanarified and raped by a mage! (35 main pages) [DLsite.com]
The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain By 5-tarou's all night fxxk

Price:440 JPY (As of 2025/03/04)

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Circle Name:5-tarou's all night fxxk
Age Ratings:X-rated 
Work Format:Manga 
File Format:JPEG 
Genre:Depression/Depressing / Decadent/Immoral / Female Homosexuality / Violation / Coercion/Compulsion / Rape / Futanari/Hermaphrodite / Body Modification 
File Size:130.1MB 

Summary [By dlsite.com)

お互いをライバル視する強く気高い2人の女冒険者が、そのあまりの強さと高額の報酬を疎まれて、罠にハメられ強制セックス!剣士の股間には男性器を生やされ、ムリヤリ中に射精させられ、その影響でレベルがみるみる下がっていく。なんとか抗おうとするも、快楽とトラウマが2人を縛り付け情けない射精が2人の心身をボロボロに削ってゆく。誇りも力も全てが奪われた彼女に出来ることは、むせび泣き許しを請うことだけだったが、その懇願さえも間違っていて──────── 本編35ページ!エロい!ヤバい!救いはない!

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The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


The female witch and the female swordsman who can make them do level drain


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