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HDWShare - Hentai Dojin Works guide from Japan.

This is an adult dojin works information site from Japan for overseas.

This is the 3rd album by "Kirinyan" who has gathered 100,000 YouTube subscribers with various works over 1 million views. He aims to deliver vivid situation voices by eliminating feelings of dream-likeness. [DLsite.com]
Kirinyan's Daily Life (CV: Kirinyan) By kirinyan

Price:$13.33 / €11.88 JPY (As of 2020/06/27)

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※This price may be changed without a notice. Please check it in a link.

Circle Name:kirinyan  Works
Age Ratings:X-rated 
Work Format:Voice 
File Format:MP3 
Option:Girls / Otome 
Genre:Wholesome / Binaural / ASMR / Love Comedy/Romcom / Lovey Dovey/Sweet Love / Lovers / Girls' Side / Vanilla Sex 
File Size:93.1MB 

Summary [By dlsite.com)


1. KISS (12:22)
2. LICK (10:49)
3. FOREPLAY (12:48)
4. INSERT(1) (5:56)
5. INSERT(2) (10:05)
6. INSERT(3) (6:27)
7. SLEEP (4:23)
8. SECRET (5:02)



3Dio Free Space XLR Binaural Microphone

シチュエーションボイスにありがちな「非日常感 & セリフを読んでいる感」を徹底的に排除した、リアルで生々しいシチュエーションのボイスをお届けします。

■YouTube ※2020/06/13時点実績




HP: ・アルバム全部聴きました!音がクリアで、声の遠近感や物音がリアルで臨場感があって…なんかAVよりエッチでした。基本優しいのに、時々男っぽい攻めの感じがみえるのがツボでした。きりにゃんボイスを堪能できる贅沢な作品をありがとうございます!


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Kirinyan's Daily Life (CV: Kirinyan)


If you acquire the works introduced on this site in a way other than the regular method, you may be asked for damages from the right holder of the works. This site is intended to promote buy the works to the user who downloaded it illegally of the works.
* This site is not a reach site. All works information on our site is posted with permission of the distributor. There is no illegal content.


If you obtain the works described on this site by an unauthorized method such as BitTorrent, you may be sued by the right holder of the works even if you live outside Japan. This site is not a reach site.

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