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Price:440 JPY (As of 2025/01/21)
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Circle Name: | MAGCAN Works |
Release: | Apr/17/2020 |
Age Ratings: | X-rated |
Work Format: | CG / Illustrations |
File Format: | JPEG / PDF Included |
Language: | |
Genre: | Milking / Sexual Bondage / Blowjob/Fellatio / Restraint / Urination/Peeing / Squirting/Gushing / Married Woman / Widow |
File Size: | 729.36MB |
Summary [By
A man moves to a cheap, rundown apartment because
of the hot live-in widowed manger.
As the days pass, they become closer and closer.
One day, he notices a loose ceiling board.
To this surprise, it comes right off,. revealing an attic.
Peeping in, he notices a video camera, recording equipment,
a bunch of DVDs, and a computer...
Checking out the computer, he sees some video files.
The videos are of a woman being threatened and violated.
An adult video? Wait, that voice sounds familiar...
And one idea pops into his head.
"Hmm, if I blackmail her with these videos, maybe I can fuck her like that too"
18 base HCG + extra
Contains creampie, anal, peeing, squirting orgasms, streaming, bondage, fellatio,
exhibitionism, anal vibrator & anal expansion, etc.
487 text pages
974 CG total
1920x1080 resolution
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TOP10 Ranking of 17/04/2020 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.