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Price:770 JPY (As of 2025/01/15)
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Circle Name: | UrahaChan Works |
Release: | Jan/25/2020 |
Age Ratings: | X-rated |
Work Format: | CG / Illustrations |
File Format: | PNG / PDF Included |
Language: | |
Genre: | Milking / Outdoor Exposure / Shame/Humiliation / Fiendish/Brutal / Coercion/Compulsion / Rape |
File Size: | 182.92MB |
Summary [By
One afternoon while out shopping, I saw the class president. She seemed a little off,
and then I saw her steal something! I made sure to take a video before hurrying off.
Later that night after making sure her parents weren't home, I snuck into her room
and told her what I saw. She was pretty compliant once I told her I had it on video...
Now I can make her do just about anything I want!
9 base CGs
127 total
Other works by "UrahaChan"
[RE277824] Blackmailing a Girl into Sex With Sneak Photography
[RE272059] Idol is Raped in Front of Her Fans and Ridiculed in the Group Chat
[RE269610] Classmate is Suddenly Appointed to the Servicing Committee and Gets Raped
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TOP10 Ranking of 25/01/2020 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.