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Price:1,100 JPY (As of 2025/01/15)
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Circle Name: | Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise Works |
Release: | Oct/18/2019 |
Age Ratings: | X-rated |
Work Format: | Voice |
File Format: | MP3 |
Language: | |
Genre: | Successive Orgasms / Binaural / Coercion/Compulsion / Nonhuman/Monster Girl |
File Size: | 492.39MB |
Summary [By
For those who like close quarters, honey, mental synchronization, eating prey, fast talking.
Alraune is a dangerous amalgamation of plant, monster, human, and elf, that takes the form of a female woman, and sustains itself on human life energy.
First she captures you in her buds, and works you all over with aphrodisiac to suck up all your sex fluids.
Next, once you're infused with her poison, she forces you into a state of lust with her mental synchronization.
Finally she devours the human sperm banquet before her in a frenzied state of lewd fast speech.
You can't be saved once caught, but maybe you can get a taste of heaven before you pass.
4 tracks
Total playback time: 1 hour 3 minutes 25 seconds
WAV/ MP3 format
+ readme and scenario text files, illustration, banner
CV: Riko Takara
Illustration: Jouzu Himiya
Circle: Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise
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TOP10 Ranking of 18/10/2019 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.