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Price:660 JPY (As of 2025/01/12)
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Circle Name: | GAGAGAHONPO Works |
Release: | Aug/28/2019 |
Age Ratings: | X-rated |
Work Format: | Manga |
File Format: | JPEG |
Genre: | Clothed / Lesbian |
File Size: | 26.33MB |
Summary [By
When she came to, a vacant room surrounds her.
J*ri seems to be trapped in some research facility.
There are no exits no matter where she looks.
Though agitated, she hasn't given up on getting out.
That moment,
she senses a threatening presence and her self-defense kicks in
barely evading the stranger's attack.
That stranger revealed herself as another J*ri with the same body and face.
The two did not need words.
Their thirst for battle could not be withheld.
They clash and an intense lez catfight begins...!
25 pages total(including cover)
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TOP10 Ranking of 28/08/2019 release.
*Total ranking by the count in this site.